Project Management - Permissions

Learn about company level and project level permissions templates as well as how to create a report detailing assigned user permissions.

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Procore's Company level Permissions tool gives your organization the ability to efficiently manage user access to Company level tools and Project level tools using permission templates. 

By the end of this course, you will be able to: 

  • Identify the security benefits to setting up Permissions
  • Identify the four levels of permissions
  • Set and apply Project Permissions Templates
  • Set and apply Company Permissions Templates
  • Create a custom report detailing user permissions

Plan de estudios15 min

  • Project Management - Permissions
  • Training Feedback

Acerca de este curso

Procore's Company level Permissions tool gives your organization the ability to efficiently manage user access to Company level tools and Project level tools using permission templates. 

By the end of this course, you will be able to: 

  • Identify the security benefits to setting up Permissions
  • Identify the four levels of permissions
  • Set and apply Project Permissions Templates
  • Set and apply Company Permissions Templates
  • Create a custom report detailing user permissions

Plan de estudios15 min

  • Project Management - Permissions
  • Training Feedback

