Procore Home 25 min

See overview information about your company and projects from the Company level Portfolio tool and Project level Home tool.
There are two levels of architecture in Procore. There is the Company level and Project level. For each level, there is a main tool page that displays overview information about the company or project. At the Company level, it's the Portfolio tool and at the Project level, it's the Home tool.
Portfolio Tool
Procore's Company level Portfolio tool is designed to give you a high-level overview of your company's projects.
- Gain access to all of your company projects.
- View general project information as a Portfolio List, Thumbnail, or on a Map.
- Click to open a more detailed Project Home page.
Home Tool
Every project created in Procore has a Home page. This page serves as a project dashboard and gives users a high-level overview of a project. A project's Home page lists basic information and provides an overview of the project tasks that still need to be completed.
- View the project address and weather forecast.
- Review and manage your open project items.
- Review a list of recently changed items.
- Evaluate the tasks on today's schedule.
- Track project milestones.