- Course Introduction
Intro to Pay
- Getting Started
Getting Started
Enable or Disable Procore Pay on Projects (2min)
Invite a Payee (2min)
Getting Started Resources & Review
- Commitments
Commitments Tool
Add Insurance Documents (2min)
Add Contract Compliance Documents (2min)
Edit or Delete Contract Compliance Documents (2min)
Commitments Resources & Review
- Invoicing
Invoicing Tool
Navigate an Invoice (2min)
Create and Apply a Manual Hold (2min)
Edit or Release a Manual Hold (1min)
Invoicing Resources & Review
- Lien Waivers
Lien Waivers
Enable Lien Waivers & Set Default Templates on Projects (2min)
Create Lien Waiver Templates (2min)
Edit or Delete Lien Waiver Templates (2min)
Request Revision or Approve Sub-Tier Lien Waivers (2min)
Lien Waivers Resources & Review
- Payments
Payments Tool
Navigating the Payments Tool (2min)
Compliance Documents and Payment Requirements (2min)
Create a Disbursement (2min)
Cancel a Disbursement (2min)
Payments Resources & Review
- Reporting
Procore Pay Reporting (2min)
- Final Exam
Final Exam
- Course Conclusion
Pay Conclusion

Payor: Procore Pay (Only Available in United States)
Streamline payments across all your construction projects for quicker, more dependable results with Procore Pay.
Welcome to the Payor: Procore Pay certification! For general contractors using Procore's Invoice Management tools via Procore Pay, this course is designed to teach you how to effectively use Procore's Pay tools.*
Procore Pay is only available in the United States. Procore Pay is designed to solve one of the biggest financial pain points in the construction industry — the payment process between General Contractors (a.k.a., Payors) and Subontractors (a.k.a., Payees).