Project Manager: Preconstruction -- Specialty Contractor

Learn Procore's Preconstruction Tools as a project manager at a Specialty Contractor.

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Acerca de este curso

Welcome to the Project Manager: Preconstruction certification! This course is designed to teach you how to use Procore's tools* through a project's preconstruction stage as a project manager.


*Tools covered in this course: Cost Catalog, Bid Board, Estimating, Bidding, Planroom, Prequalifications, and Prequalification Portal. How do I check what tools I have included in my Procore account?

Plan de estudios1.5 hours

  • Course Introduction
  • Intro to Preconstruction
  • Configure Tool Settings
  • Configure Preconstruction Settings
  • Cost Catalog
  • Cost Catalog Tool
  • Navigate the Cost Catalog (3min)
  • Add Items to the Cost Catalog (2min)
  • Create Assemblies (3min)
  • Import Catalog Items (3min)
  • Cost Catalog Resources & Review
  • Bid Board
  • Bid Board Tool
  • Bid Board Overview (3min)
  • Create a Bid Board Project (3min)
  • Bid Board Templates (3min)
  • Convert Bid Board Project to Portfolio Tool (1min)
  • Bid Board Resources & Review
  • Estimating
  • Estimating Tool
  • Add Takeoffs (5min)
  • Add a 3D Model Takeoff (3min)
  • Add Estimates (5min)
  • Assign WBS Budget Codes to an Estimate (4min)
  • Estimating Resources & Review
  • Bidding
  • Bidding Tool
  • Upload Bid Set of Drawings (5min)
  • Upload Bid Documents (2min)
  • Upload Bid Set of Specifications (5min)
  • Create a Bid Package (5min)
  • Create Bid Forms (5min)
  • Invite & Manage Bidders (1min)
  • Bid Leveling (1min)
  • Award a Bid (2min)
  • Bidding Resources & Review
  • Planroom
  • Planroom Tool
  • Prequalifications
  • Prequalifications Tool
  • Set Up a Prequalification Form (3min)
  • Prequalify a Company (2min)
  • Prequalifications Resources & Review
  • Prequalification Portal
  • Prequalification Portal Tool
  • Final Exam
  • Final Exam
  • Course Conclusion
  • Preconstruction Conclusion

Acerca de este curso

Welcome to the Project Manager: Preconstruction certification! This course is designed to teach you how to use Procore's tools* through a project's preconstruction stage as a project manager.


*Tools covered in this course: Cost Catalog, Bid Board, Estimating, Bidding, Planroom, Prequalifications, and Prequalification Portal. How do I check what tools I have included in my Procore account?

Plan de estudios1.5 hours

  • Course Introduction
  • Intro to Preconstruction
  • Configure Tool Settings
  • Configure Preconstruction Settings
  • Cost Catalog
  • Cost Catalog Tool
  • Navigate the Cost Catalog (3min)
  • Add Items to the Cost Catalog (2min)
  • Create Assemblies (3min)
  • Import Catalog Items (3min)
  • Cost Catalog Resources & Review
  • Bid Board
  • Bid Board Tool
  • Bid Board Overview (3min)
  • Create a Bid Board Project (3min)
  • Bid Board Templates (3min)
  • Convert Bid Board Project to Portfolio Tool (1min)
  • Bid Board Resources & Review
  • Estimating
  • Estimating Tool
  • Add Takeoffs (5min)
  • Add a 3D Model Takeoff (3min)
  • Add Estimates (5min)
  • Assign WBS Budget Codes to an Estimate (4min)
  • Estimating Resources & Review
  • Bidding
  • Bidding Tool
  • Upload Bid Set of Drawings (5min)
  • Upload Bid Documents (2min)
  • Upload Bid Set of Specifications (5min)
  • Create a Bid Package (5min)
  • Create Bid Forms (5min)
  • Invite & Manage Bidders (1min)
  • Bid Leveling (1min)
  • Award a Bid (2min)
  • Bidding Resources & Review
  • Planroom
  • Planroom Tool
  • Prequalifications
  • Prequalifications Tool
  • Set Up a Prequalification Form (3min)
  • Prequalify a Company (2min)
  • Prequalifications Resources & Review
  • Prequalification Portal
  • Prequalification Portal Tool
  • Final Exam
  • Final Exam
  • Course Conclusion
  • Preconstruction Conclusion

