Project Manager: Quality & Safety -- Head Contractor --- EN-AU

Learn Procore’s Quality & Safety Tools as a project manager at a Head Contractor.

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Acerca de este curso

Welcome to the ‘Procore Certification for Project Managers (Project Management: Quality & Safety)’ course! Here’s what you can expect:

 Learn how to most effectively use Procore’s Quality & Safety tools as a project manager or project engineer
 Discover best practices for the Quality & Safety tools within Procore
 Train at your own pace by leaving and returning at any time
 Earn a Procore-Certified Certificate upon completion

Plan de estudios1–2 hours

  • Course Introduction
  • Intro to Quality & Safety
  • Action Plans
  • Intro to Action Plans
  • Create an Action Plan Type (1min)
  • Create an Action Plan Template (5min)
  • Create an Action Plan (6min)
  • Action Plans Resources
  • Site Diary
  • Intro to Site Diary
  • Configure Site Diary Settings (3min)
  • Add Site Diary Entries (Mobile) (4min)
  • View Site Diary Reports (2min)
  • Site Diary Resources
  • Coordination Issues
  • Intro to Coordination Issues
  • Practice: Create a Coordination Issue
  • Coordination Issues Resources
  • Incidents
  • Intro to Incidents
  • Configure Incidents Settings (2min)
  • Create an Incident (Mobile) (4min)
  • Incidents Resources
  • Inspections
  • Intro to Inspections
  • Create a Company Level Inspection Template (2min)
  • Create Inspection Templates (4min)
  • Perform an Inspection (Mobile) (4min)
  • Inspections Resources
  • Observations
  • Intro to Observations
  • Configure Observation Settings (2min)
  • Add Observation Templates (3min)
  • Create an Observation (Mobile) (3min)
  • Observations Resources
  • Forms
  • Intro to Forms
  • Create a Form Template in the Company Level Admin Tool (3min)
  • Fill Out a Form (Mobile) (2min)
  • Forms Resources
  • Final Exam
  • Final Exam
  • Course Conclusion
  • Quality & Safety Conclusion

Acerca de este curso

Welcome to the ‘Procore Certification for Project Managers (Project Management: Quality & Safety)’ course! Here’s what you can expect:

 Learn how to most effectively use Procore’s Quality & Safety tools as a project manager or project engineer
 Discover best practices for the Quality & Safety tools within Procore
 Train at your own pace by leaving and returning at any time
 Earn a Procore-Certified Certificate upon completion

Plan de estudios1–2 hours

  • Course Introduction
  • Intro to Quality & Safety
  • Action Plans
  • Intro to Action Plans
  • Create an Action Plan Type (1min)
  • Create an Action Plan Template (5min)
  • Create an Action Plan (6min)
  • Action Plans Resources
  • Site Diary
  • Intro to Site Diary
  • Configure Site Diary Settings (3min)
  • Add Site Diary Entries (Mobile) (4min)
  • View Site Diary Reports (2min)
  • Site Diary Resources
  • Coordination Issues
  • Intro to Coordination Issues
  • Practice: Create a Coordination Issue
  • Coordination Issues Resources
  • Incidents
  • Intro to Incidents
  • Configure Incidents Settings (2min)
  • Create an Incident (Mobile) (4min)
  • Incidents Resources
  • Inspections
  • Intro to Inspections
  • Create a Company Level Inspection Template (2min)
  • Create Inspection Templates (4min)
  • Perform an Inspection (Mobile) (4min)
  • Inspections Resources
  • Observations
  • Intro to Observations
  • Configure Observation Settings (2min)
  • Add Observation Templates (3min)
  • Create an Observation (Mobile) (3min)
  • Observations Resources
  • Forms
  • Intro to Forms
  • Create a Form Template in the Company Level Admin Tool (3min)
  • Fill Out a Form (Mobile) (2min)
  • Forms Resources
  • Final Exam
  • Final Exam
  • Course Conclusion
  • Quality & Safety Conclusion

