- Intro
The Value of the Snag List Tool 10 min
- Setting Up the Snag List Tool
Create Snag Item Templates in the Company Level Admin Tool 2 min
- Using the Snag List Tool
Create a Snag List Item (Mobile) 4 min
Import Snag Items 3 min
Respond to a Snag List Item (Mobile) 2 min
Close a Snag List Item (Mobile) 2 min
- Review & Resources
Snag List Resources & Review 10 min

Snag List -- Main Contractor --- EN-GB
Create actionable items and tasks for responsible parties with overdue reminders for any phase of the job.
The Snag List tool is used at the end of a project to keep track of remaining items to complete, assign responsibility and maintain due dates.
- Create, manage, attach drawings/photos and assign snag list items to users from a mobile device or computer
- Set a due date, distribute snag list tasks and automatically send overdue email notifications to responsible parties
- Give assignees the ability to view, respond to and complete snag list items from a mobile device on the site
- Monitor and track snag list items by status (i.e. open, closed or pending) and maintain a real-time history of all actions